Day 34: Develop Personal Portfolio Brand, Apply to Jobs

Today we're going to spend some dedicated time creating your personal brand. By the end of the day, we want to make sure you have chosen personal brand colors, a font (or two), a logo, and any imagery/themes that you want to keep consistent.

Creating a personal logo

There are a few ways you can go about creating a logo - most people either make a logo that is related to their name or the letters in their name OR they choose something that is based on an icon. Browse Dribble for some great inspiration.

We recommend you use Adobe Illustrator to create your logo.

Choosing fonts

We recommend that you pick two fonts for your personal brand - one that you can use for headers, and one that you can use for body text.

See what fonts your chosen website builder has - some allow you to upload new fonts, others restrict you to using just the fonts that they have on the platform.

If you're looking for some inspiration or are struggling to find two typefaces that pair nicely, use FontFlame to discover some great combinations.

Choosing colors

Go back to the first week and reread everything we discussed regarding color. The colors that you pick to represent yourself say a lot about you so it's important to to fo into the decision informed.

If you're struggling to find colors that work well together, we recommend using Coolors - its a great tool to help you create color schemes.

Choosing imagery and themes

Are all of the photos you add going to be black and white? Are they going to have a green filter? Are you going to use a certain style of icons? These are all important things to think about!

Today's assignment

Once you've determined each component of your personal brand, find your website builder's styling section and make sure to incorporate the decisions you've made.

Put 20 more jobs in the pipeline!

Complete and Continue